Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Morning revelations

I'm not sure I can actually live up to such a grand title, but here are the realizations I've had each of the last three mornings, in reverse order.

TODAY (Wednesday)
Although the sun may be shining, it can be very cold.
Okay, this isn't exactly a revelation, even for a Bay Area native.  Still, the last three weeks have not prepared me for a crystalline, sparkling day hovering in the 40s -- or should I say 7ยบ C? -- plus icy wind.

[Side note: someone should do a psychological study on why it's so hard to change measuring systems in your head.  I just can't wrap my head around the low Celsius numbers.  One of my English colleagues said that people our age are a transitional generation in Britain: his parents think in "imperial" (English) measurements, younger kids think in metric, but he has a jumble of both.  He can only think of his weight in stones (14 lbs), but he'll measure for baking in kilograms; from here to the end of the block he'll think of in meters, but across the table is feet.]

In any case, I was okay during the day -- I'll take sunshine any time.  The problem was going to grad hall (snazzy dinner) tonight when it had dipped into the thirties.  I'm retiring dresses for a while, I think...

There are some benefits to getting up at dawn.
If you know me, you know I hate getting up early.  However, as a member of the boat club (I'm a novice rower), that may be part of my reality some days of the week.  Yesterday was not very cold and the early sunlight on the fields and river were actually quite lovely.  Plus, I was awake in plenty of time to finish a Latin translation for class later.

You know you're doing the right thing when...
I woke up on Monday, and as I was getting dressed, I started thinking about what I had coming up for the day.  And I realized that I was eager and excited to do all of them.  There was nothing I dreaded or just had to get through.  I finally know what it's like to love my "job"!  Wow, that's a new experience.  Don't get me wrong, there were amazing benefits to each of my previous gigs, but I didn't look forward to the day's duties in particular.  I hope this lasts!

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