Everyone here needs a bicycle, and the advice I got from the MCR (grad student society in the college) was to do it right away because as the undergrads arrive this weekend they will all be bought up. I walked ALL OVER Cambridge (several hours total, I think) looking at every shop I could, asking to look at the second-hand bikes. Sadly, only a couple were in the 75-pound range, and they were huge and heavy. Anything remotely decent was 120. I wonder how much it would cost to ship mine...but then I don't want to risk having it stolen.
2) Never leave the house without a coat or umbrella.
It was sunny yesterday morning, so I foolishly thought that I didn't need my water gear. It actually held until 7:00, when it started sprinkling just as I was walking to the MCR mingle event. When I left to head home at 11:00, it was a healthy dousing though not a downpour. Still, that's enough during a 20-25 minute walk home without rain gear.
I had a great time meeting lots of people at the MCR thing, then some more in my dorm, which led to staying up way too late. I also bought my very own gown (let the Harry Potter jokes begin). It's ridiculously exciting.
OMG, Miss Sarah, we need pictures!!!