So you know how I mentioned wearing my college scarf when it's chilly? Well, it's downright freezing this week. Correction -- it has been below freezing every day. The river actually freezes over at night, and fairly convincingly: this morning the broken chunks were a good centimeter thick, and I saw a seagull standing in the middle of the river.
Then tonight, during the course of a concert I attended, the city was transformed into a winter wonderland by a good three inches of snow (by my estimation) -- and it was still coming down as I shoved my bike home through it. All the familiar paths and roads (flagstones here, cobblstones there, bump in pavement at this curve) were suddenly hidden under the kind of perfect fluffy powder that I'd love to ski on.
It's been a warm winter here. I'm envious of your need for scarves... and of course the snow! It was lacking in Tahoe for most of January.