- Rowing
- Chapel choir
- Trinity Hall Boat Club co-women's lower boats' captain [scheduling novices]
- Supervising (teaching) a student on Old English
- Classes: Latin, Old English, Old English literature, Old English informal reading group
- Job(s): conference assistant, proofreading, soon to be library invigilating
- Writing conference papers
At least the last one might sort of produce material toward my PhD. Meanwhile, I took a trip to the North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA) annual conference. Although it was in Nashville, I first stopped to get my Disney World fix and then visited friends and my brother's family in Greensboro, NC. My little nephew is turning into quite the little man; he grabs you by the finger and walks you all around the house, or up and down the street, on a mission to find anything that might remotely be called a "choo-choo" -- i.e. anything with an engine, a toy thereof, or any screen that will show him a video of such a thing.
The conference itself was fun (so many people to meet!), though I wish I'd had a chance to go out into Nashville proper. As it was, my excursions were restricted to a reception in the Parthenon reconstruction, with this gaudy-awful Athena statue:
and a walk around autumnal Vanderbilt:
It was a good trip, but I was also glad to arrive back home in Cambridge.
When I went to the Parthenon in Nashville, I thought it was fascinating that all of the white marble statues in Greece used to be painted! I think they reconstructed Athena's outfit from paint remnants on the original.