Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back in the UK

Hello again everyone, this time from England.

Yes, those two weeks have elapsed, somehow.  Hmm, how did I spend them?  I picked up my new raincoat, which Marmot kindly replaced for me since my old one was losing its lining and therefore its waterproof nature. It's awesome that they provide that level of service, but I have to admit that part of me was sad to lose the jacket I wore nearly every day of my first year at Cambridge.  I finished (or at least gave up on) my Kemble paper.  I ate out at favorite restaurants and got in one day of quilting, which I haven't done in a year.  And let's not forget watching Stanford's football team mop the floor with San Jose State, 57-3.  That was a good last day in town.

On Sunday, I had a flawless travel day, which it's important to remember does happen sometimes.  My flight from San Jose to Chicago was early leaving and had a tailwind, giving me plenty of time to mosey down to the next gate, and then we were nearly an hour early getting into London!  Oh, and FYI: on Sunday of Labor Day weekend, a small airport like SJC has no one in it.  There was literally no one behind me in the security line the entire time.  When I arrived in London, I made my way to a hostel I like and met up with a couple friends for dinner.  Then I managed to stay awake until a decent hour before crashing.

It's now morning, and I'm sitting in the hostel lounge looking out at the rain, wondering whether I should make an effort to go see/do something before taking a train to Exeter.  I gotta say, the weather is not helping soften the blow of leaving home...  Hopefully, a good week of conference and travel will cheer me up.

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